About Author
- I'm Marcellino D'Ambrosio, and this is my social commentary. From Austrian Economics to Hangliding, from Jesus to Quidditch, I endevor to leave no leaf unturned. The Swing Set is an image of childlike joy, my muse and greatest aspiration. I hopes that you will join me in swinging; so read, comment, and think on, my friends.
Marcellino D'Ambrosio
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My Last (Senior) Will and Testement
The "Athlete Issue"
Friday Bay
My Thesis (First Post)
"The Elephant in the Room" The "Athlete Issue" Part 2.
The Christian Response to Poverty Working with God’s Economic Laws
Legalize Gay Marriage (and Everything Else)
A Reply to Common [Catholic] Objections Against the Free Market. 2
How to Plan an Event - Lawless Style
What Pope Francis Actually Said
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What Am I Drinking Right Now?
Franconia, a local brew 10 minutes from my house. So good.
Bucket List (Completed)
- Get my Motercycle Licence
- Go Hang Gliding
- Be a Snitch in a Muggle Quidditch Game
- Score Three Tries in a Rugby Game
- Start a Flash Mob
- Sneek into the pit at a Blink 182 Concert
- Go Surfing in California
- Play "Let the Fire Fall" In the upper room
- Smoke Hookah in Jerusalem on Newyears Eve
- Grow a huge beard
- Go on a Canoe Trip to the Boundary Waters
Bucket List (To Do Before I Die)
- Get my paintings up in a gallery
- Publish the story of the D'Ambrosio Family
- Drive a car in a Demolition Derby
- Drink a pint and smoke a pipe at the "Egle and Child" (where the Inklings met in Oxford)
- Publish a compilation of poetry
- Go on tour
- Get in a bar fight
- Snowboard with Ben
- Go Wingsuit Base-jumping (look it up, it's the closest thing to flying available to the audacious daredevil)